We’re all in this together

We’re all in this together

This is an unprecedented time for all of us, with stress and uncertainty all around. We all have a newfound interest in the safety and cleanliness of the places we visit and the shops we patronize.  Nowhere is this more important than at a hair salon, where coming into close contact with each other is inevitable. We know that your visit to our salon can be a way to relieve stress and tension, and we want to give our clients the peace of mind to enjoy your time here with us. We’re all in this together and committed to providing you with a clean and sanitary environment. That’s why we have taken a good look at the salon, and by following CDC guidelines we have reworked our practices to ensure your safety during your visit.

We are following social distancing practices by limiting the number of people in the salon at any one time, and by keeping our stylists stations at least 6 feet apart. We’ve also installed plexiglass partitions at the shampoo bowls and the front desk.  We are inviting clients to wait for their stylist or while their color is processing in our separate waiting suite. Stylists and support staff are wearing masks at all times while in the salon and have gloves to wear upon request. We also are asking everyone to wear a face mask while in the salon, and have disposable masks to provide to our clients that may not have their own.

These are just some of the changes we have made to provide a clean and safe environment for our clients and staff.  The video below will take you on a tour of more of the changes we have made to better serve you.





Veronica and the staff here at BBV would like to thank all of our clients for their patience and cooperation throughout this crisis. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for your loyalty and dedication, and we are so fortunate to have the clientele that we do. We will continue to do everything we can to keep you safe and happy while you visit us in the salon, and hopefully soon we will be back to business as usual.  Until then, we’re all in this together!